Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Standard.
Some other innovations are apparent in terms of functionality, otherwise the strengths of the previous version have been adopted and developed. If you want to buy Microsoft SQL Server 2017 online at low price, you can place your order right here.
What's new in Microsoft SQL Server 2017?
The 2017 edition includes many enhancements, improved performance, Linux compatibility, and other database engine features. In the standard edition, the software is particularly suited for use in medium-sized scenarios. Decisive functions include, for example, the free choice of platform and programming language, both manageable via the cloud. Scalability, performance and availability have also improved, and Microsoft itself has announced that SQL Server studies are the least sensitive databases. Of course, the mobile interfaces have also been optimized. Now, raw data can be upgraded graphically and structurally in just a few steps, so that it can be displayed in a suitable form, both on the tablet and on a smartphone.
Microsoft SQL Server 2017 licensing differences
If you buy the product at a low price, you can independently choose between four different licenses. Standard license is recommended for master data management without critical workloads, licensed for processor cores or server / CAL. As usual, the Enterprise edition will handle larger databases, including critical data, and promises other important business intelligence features. The Enterprise Edition licenses the number of processor cores. The other versions are entry-level variants and development variants. There is also a version hosted with “Web”, which is only of interest to hosting providers.
There are many benefits that make Microsoft SQL Server 2017 software a business backbone used by many companies of different sizes around the world. During your order, you can independently choose to download Microsoft SQL Server 2017 directly and then install it.
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